Revenues are up which is a blessing and I am thinking the world is starting to balance out again.
I personally have under gone a lot of change. Some good, some weird and some unbelievable, but at the end of the day I am grateful for it all.
OK surveyors it's that time. Yes let's give it up once again for the Surfing Santa!!!!!
I love red clad this tubby bitch of the water ways. He signifies a lot of things for me and I am sure for a lot of you too.
Remember, no matter how old we get there is still a lot of kid in us. My New Year resolution is to let as much of my kid come out as possible.
So lets have a drink and chug a lug, by our kids a bunch of cool things to open on the 25th and if your are Jewish enjoy the Chinese food and the movies that day.
One thing for sure, even though we may be different in the way we think, our beliefs and the way we do things, we are all still surveyors and it is strange what a small community this is. It's one of those weird little bonds that we can't break no matter what, because there are so few of us.
Make it a great holiday season surveyors. Good bad or ugly I am grateful for all of you.
Peace, love and booty grease!!
Oh and what ever you do try to avoid this situation: