Since most of the published work was done several years ago there have been significant changes to the existing monuments due to varies conditions of construction, goofy people etc.
GDAC still remains the greatest tool for positional research and recovery but since things have changed so much especially in the city areas extreme caution needs to be upheld.
I have been noticing a change in the monuments in character also horizontally and especially vertically.
I use to jump all over them but now I have backed off and always check into another, especially when establishing elevation.
There have been instances when I have found monuments to still be in character but have changed vertically, once again due to construction or goofy people.
I have gotten into the habit of hitting those NGS points in the can before I go any further as a start point. Those have a tendency to stay accurate.
A program such as GDAC no matter how awesome it is can not survive accuracy with humans. Consistent updating would need to occur and the cost would be astronomical.
So the question is how does the inventory stay current? I am sure that there is a plan in place and I would like to know what it is.
Do we as the private surveyor need to report a change?
I am curious to see how well the maintenance will go in the future. I am hopeful that it will continue to be updated and remain current.
Make it a great week surveyors.